Hybrid Build #6: Police Officer with Pistols, Shotguns, Explosives
Hybrid Build with Police Officer
If students are worried about spending millions of dollars on ammunition for Heavy Machine Guns, but want the advantages of a Hybrid Build, Shotguns offer an economical alternative. A Hybrid Build can be crafted with Pistols, Shotguns, and Melee (as noted in Survival Build #4); however, since most Shotguns are deficient in actual killing power, it is a good idea to include Explosives for grinding purposes.
The great advantage of Shotguns is knockback. In particular the AA-12 pushes zombies across the screen as well as a Vulcan Mini-gun. The zombies don’t necessarily die from the blast, but the AA-12 will keep its owner alive until he/she can find a safe space from which to launch a grenade assault.
Grenades, on the other hand, have no knockback but huge Damage per Second. Therefore, Shotguns and Grenades complement each other well: each is able to provide something that the other lacks.
Since the release of the limited-edition Buckblast 99A in May 2015, Epic-level shotguns can compete with other elite grinding weapons in terms of DPS. The Buckblast 99A inflicts 243 damage points per second, making it approximately equal to the Vulcan Mini-Gun, the Hammerhead Assault Rifle, and the Street Dog Sub Machine Gun.
Also note that the Buckblast and the Ace Barrel (another 120-proficiency shotgun) requires only 50 Strength points, instead of the 100 needed for other high-end shotguns, opening the option of a stat reset to remove 50 points from Strength and assign them elsewhere.
This lesson includes the following chapters:
- Weapon Progression
- Undergraduate Program: Taking Weapons & Stats to Level 50
- Outpost-by-Outpost Development Guide
- Postgraduate Program: Taking Weapons & Stats to Level 95
Zombie Hunter University's Undergraduate Program guides students in use of the their builds from Levels 1 to 50, illustrating weapon choice and coordinating stat allocation, to ensure that points are in place to optimize weapons when they are equipped.
Level 50 is the cut-off for completing the undergraduate version of a build and earning a Bachelor's Degree. After Level 50, build development is extremely slow. Whatever long-term goals a graduate has, the undergraduate build is the one that will be used for considerable time.
Hybrid Build with Police Officer
The Police Officer is a good match for this build, because this profession begins with extra proficiency points for two of the weapons, Pistols and Shotguns. The bonus stat points in Accuracy and Reloading provide a welcome boost during early stages of the build.
However, like all Hybrid Builds, this one is stat-hungry – even with the bonus points from becoming Police Officer, students will not have all their stats in place by Level 50. The rather complex stat progression described below is the result of switching back and forth between stats in order to have Strength in place to equip shotguns without shortchanging other stats. For example, it is necessary to get Strength to 50 by Level 28 in order to equip a Mannberg; after that, it is possible to allocate stats to Reloading before switching back to Strength in order to equip the Sweeper by Level 40.
Because of the Strength requirements, the build ignores Accuracy until after Level 50. Students may be tempted to prioritize Accuracy over Reloading, but that would be detrimental to the HK69, which will be in hand for an extended period while Explosives proficiency slowly rises after Level 50.
The recommended weapon progression is seen below. Boldface indicates recommended weapons worth holding onto while working on other proficiency or earning cash to purchase the next weapon. Other weapons are placeholders to be swapped out whenever possible.
- Mancini and stat-boosters (Level 1)
- Kolt Python (20 - Level 2)
- Webster 1942 (40 – Level 6)
- Kolt Anaconda (60 – Level 10)
- SW 500 (95 – Level 17 )
- Alpha Bull (100 – Level 18)
- Sega-20 (45 – Level 25)
- HK69 (40 - Level 33)
- Mannberg (60 – Level 36)
- Sweeper (80 – Level 42)
- USAN 12 (100 - Level 46)
- AA-12 (110 - Level 48)
- Greyhawk (120 - Level 50)
- Painshot (120 – Level 55)
- XM25 (100 – Level 85)
- PAW (110 – Level 90)
- Immolator AD (120 – Level 95)
As with all builds that rely on Pistols as the primary looting weapon, it is necessary to raise that proficiency first and fast, getting to an Alpha Bull revolver (the first End Game pistol capable of one-hit killing a Siren) as soon as possible. Fortunately, the 10-point proficiency boost from the Police Officer will make it possible to equip the AB by Level 18.
Most of the weapons listed above are not too expensive for students with reasonable looting skills (though it will take time to accumulate the necessary cash). More successful students may purchase 120-proficiency luxury items, such as the Junker grenade launcher, the Doubleshot revolver, and the Ace Barrel shotgun.
Alternative: Seniors who can afford the limited-edition Corpse Shooter revolver can equip it instead of the Greyhawk 55. The Corpse Shooter packs almost as much DPS and requires only 110 proficiency. The ten points saved on Pistols can be used to equip the 120-proficiency Painshot shotgun by Level 50.
Next, we examine the undergraduate development of this Hybrid Build through Level 50. The following outpost-by-outpost breakdown will clarify why certain weapons and stats should be in place to optimize performance in certain zones. While examining the information, remember that these suggestions are not rigid; there is room to adjust for personal style and skill-set.
We suggest that students spend one semester of 10 levels at each of the first three outposts: 1-10 at Nastya's Holdout, 11-20 at Dogg's Stockade, and 21-30 at Precinct 13. Senior semester at Fort Pastor is longer: levels 31-50.
Hybrid Build #6 at Nastya's Holdout Levels 1-10 (Freshman Semester) |
Strength: 25 |
Melee: 5 |
Endurance: 25 (49) |
Pistols: 15 + 45 = 60 |
Agility: 25 + 25 = 50 (74) |
Rifles: 0 |
Accuracy: 35 (59) |
Shotguns: 10 |
Critical Hit: 25+25 = 50 (74) |
Machine Gun: 0 |
Reloading: 30 (54) |
Explosives: 0 |
Recommended Weapons:
- Revolvers: Kolt Python, Webster 1942, Kolt Anaconda
Weapon Progression:
- Raise Pistols to 20 for Python, 40 for Webster, 60 for Anaconda
Stat Progression:
- Add 25 points to Agility
- Add 25 points to Critical Hit
Around Nastya's Holdout, the progression for Hybrid Build #6 is virtually identical with that of Critical Build #2 and Assault Build #5. The only difference is that a Police Officer's bonus points are suited to the Hybrid Build, enabling students to equip Pistols and Shotguns sooner than they would with an Athlete. Beginning with 10 extra points in Pistols, students will be able to equip a Webster 1942 by Level 6 and Kolt Anaconda by Level 10.
If students remain at Nastya's until Level 12, they will have accumulated 70 proficiency points – enough for a CK 97B, which has a slight advantage over the Kolt Anaconda when it comes killing Burned and Irradiated Zombies in the Green Zones. However, it lags behind the Kolt Anaconda when it comes to stronger Blood Dogs. Also, being an automatic pistol, the CK 97B has a higher stat requirement for Critical Hit.
Hybrid Build #6 at Dogg's Stockade Levels 11-20 (Sophomore Semester) |
Strength: 25 |
Melee: 5 |
Endurance: 25 (49) |
Pistols: 70 + 30 = 100 |
Agility: 50 + 50 = 100 (124) |
Rifles: 0 |
Accuracy: 35 (59) |
Shotguns: 10 + 10 = 20 |
Critical Hit: 45 (69) |
Machine Gun: 0 |
Reloading: 30 (54) |
Explosives: 0 |
Recommended Weapons:
- Revolver: Alpha Bull
Weapon Progression:
- Raise Pistols to 95 for SW500, 100 for Alpha Bull
- Raise Shotguns to 20 for future use
Stat Progression:
- Add 50 points to max out Agility
The progression Build #6 reveals the weaknesses of going Hybrid early in the game: it takes a while to get stats in place. Compare this to Critical Build #2, which is also developing Pistols. Hybrid Build #6 is the first to get an Alpha Bull (because the Police Officer profession adds ten extra points in Pistols, allowing students to raise proficiency to100 two levels sooner).
This advantage is somewhat offset by the fact that Build #6's Reloading stat is nowhere near where it needs to be to optimize the Alpha Bull. Sophomores could short-change Agility to put more points into Reloading, but this will have adverse consequences when students move on to Precinct 13.
Basically, sophomores working on a Hybrid Build at this point are taking the long view, suffering early hardships for payoff down the road.
Hybrid Build #6 at Precinct 13 Levels 21-30 (Junior Semester) |
Strength: 25 + 5 = 30 |
Melee: 5 |
Endurance: 25 (49) |
Pistols: 100 |
Agility: 100 (124) |
Rifles: 0 |
Accuracy: 35 (59) |
Shotguns: 20 + 25 = 45 |
Critical Hit: 45 + 10 = 55 (79) |
Machine Gun: 0 |
Reloading: 30 + 35 = 65 (89) |
Explosives: 0 |
Recommended Weapons:
- Shotguns: Sega-20
Weapon Progression:
- Raise Shotguns to 45 for Sega
- Raise Explosives to 25 for future use
Stat Progression:
- Add 10 to Critical Hit
- Add 5 to Strength
- Add 35 Reload
At Precinct 13, the progression for Hybrid Build #6 presents a dilemma: students could allocate points to get a 60-proficiency Mannberg, but they would have to invest 25 points in Strength, which would necessitate shortchanging Reloading.
Our recommended approach is to raise Shotgun proficiency to 45 and Strength to 30 for a Sega-20. Then begin working on Explosives while investing points in Reloading.
While on the subject, we should note a slight eccentricity of the progression from the Sega-20 to the Mannberg: there is a 15-point difference between them in terms of weapon proficiency, but there is a 20-point difference between them in terms of Strength. If students tried to go directly from the Sega-20 to the Mannberg, it would take three levels to raise proficiency from 45 (for the Sega) to 60 (for the Mannberg); however, students would still have to wait another level to equip the Mannberg, because it takes four levels to raise Strength from 30 (for the Sega) to 50 (for the Mannberg). This is another reason that it makes sense to pause between the Sega and the Mannberg to develop Explosives.
Hybrid Build #6 at Fort Pastor Levels 31-50 (Senior Semester) |
Strength: 30 + 70 = 100 |
Melee: 5 |
Endurance: 25 (49) |
Pistols: 100 + 20 = 120 |
Agility: 100 (124) |
Rifles: 0 |
Accuracy: 35 (59) |
Shotguns: 45 + 65 = 110 |
Critical Hit: 55 (79) |
Machine Gun: 0 |
Reloading: 65 + 30 = 95 (119) |
Explosives: 25 + 15 = 40 |
Suggested Weapons:
- Shotguns: Mannberg, Sweeper, USAN 12 , AA-12
- Revolver: Greyhawk
- Explosives: HK 69
Weapon Progression:
- Raise Explosives to 40 for HK 69
- Raise Shotguns to 60 for Mannberg
- Raise Pistols to 110 for later use
- Raise Shotguns to 80 for Sweeper
- Raise Shotguns to 100 for USAN-12
- Raise Shotguns to 110 for the AA-12
- Add 70 to max out Strength for the USAN-12
- Add 30 to Reloading
The allocation of Stat and Proficiency points from Levels 30 through 51 illustrates one difficulty of Hybrid Builds: the points added to Strength make it difficult to get other stats into place. For this reason, we delay raising Strength for Shotguns as long as possible, in order to invest points in Reloading to benefit the Alpha Bull revolver and HK 69 grenade launcher.
The Strength requirements of Shotguns create two gaps in the progression:
- As previously noted, it takes 15 proficiency points to get from the Sega-20 to the Mannberg, but the Mannberg requires 20 more points in Strength.
- It takes 20 proficiency points to get from the Mannberg to the Sweeper, but the Sweeper requires 30 more points in Strength. We have filled this gap by raising Pistol Proficiency to 110 at Level 38. Wealthy students could purchase a limited-edition Corpse Shooter pistol at this point, before resuming work on Shotguns..
Note that both the USAN-12 and the AA-12 are "Fully Automatic" shotguns, which fire three rounds per second. Although the damage they inflict is no match for Machine Guns and Grenade Launchers, these two shotguns provide some of the best knock-back in the game, roughly equivalent to that of the Vulcan mini-gun.
Upon reaching Level 50, a student has acquired the Stat & Proficiency points needed to complete Zombie Hunter University's Undergraduate Program for this build - a necessary requirement for earning Bachelor's Degree in Scientific Minimalism. Graduates may hone their skills in Fort Pastor while finishing up their degree requirements, or they may embark upon advanced studies in Secronom Bunker.
At Level 50, the undergraduate version of the Hybrid Build should have a Greyhawk, an AA-12, and an HK69. Agility and Strength have been maximized; Reloading is nearly so. No points have been added in Endurance or Accuracy; fortunately, Police Officers have an extra 10 points in the latter stat. These weapons and stats should be sufficient to loot and grind successfully while pursuing an advance degree.
After earning a Bachelor's Degree in Scientific Minimalism, students interested in postgraduate studies may pursue a Master's Degree through the next 45 levels. Progress will be much slower, because only 2 proficiency points and 1 stat point are allocated for each new level.
Advancing to Secronom Bunker is a requirement for completing the Master's Program. Graduate students may tarry for awhile at Fort Pastor, developing their build further before embarking for more dangerous climes; however, Level 70 is the absolute latest during which students should remain in the outpost. After reaching Level 71, students will require Level 71 food and medicine, which cannot be found in Orange Zones. At this point, looting in Black and White Zones farther east becomes a necessity.
During the undergraduate program, Scientific Minimalism recommended using the minimum weapon needed to defeat local threats. In Secronom Bunker, however, it is wise to equip the most powerful weapons possible. The two undergraduate versions of this build will be sufficient to loot and grind successfully while adding more expensive weapons and developing the build further.
The following section showcases the postgraduate development of the Shotgun Hybrid Build through Level 95, so that students can see what weapons and stats will be in place upon earning their Master's Degree.
Students will raise Shotgun proficiency to 120 for a Painshot, then raise Explosives to 120 for an Immolator. Accuracy will be raised to 80 (56 base points plus M.C. stats). After that, points will be dumped into Endurance. The build will have three 120-proficiency weapons in hand by Level 95.
Hybrid Build #6 at Secronom Bunker Levels 51-95 |
Strength: 100 |
Melee: 5 |
Endurance: 25 + 13 = 43 (67) |
Pistols: 120 |
Agility: 100 (124) |
Rifles: 0 |
Accuracy: 35 + 21 = 56 (80) |
Shotguns: 110 + 10 = 120 |
Critical Hit: 55 + 1 = 56 (80) |
Machine Gun: 0 |
Reloading: 95 + 5 = 100 (124) |
Explosives: 40 + 80 = 120 |
Suggested Weapons:
- Shotguns: Painshot, Ace Barrel, Buckblast
- Revolver: Doubleshot
- Explosives: XM25, PAW, Immolator, Junker
Weapon Progression:
- Raise Shotguns to 120 for Painshot
- Raise Explosives to 120 for Immolator
- Add 5 to max Reloading
- Add 1 to Optimize Critical
- Add 21 to Accuracy for Reliable Aim with Pistols
- Add 13 to Endurance. Continue to dump points into Endurance after Level 95.
- 1 Rage Implant (to improve odds of killing Spiders)
- 3 Agility Implants (to improve speed)
Postgraduate Program for the Hybrid Shotgun Build is straightforward: maximize Reloading; optimize Critical; and raise Accuracy for Reliable Aim. Meanwhile, raise Shotgun proficiency to 120 for the Painshot, then gradually develop Explosives for the Immolator.
Purchase more expensive equipment when finances allow: a Doubleshot revolver, a Junker grenade launcher. Some epic-level Shotguns (Ace Barrell, Buckblast) require only 50 points in Strength, which opens the possibility of a stat rest. We recommend against this, because lowering Strength would disable a student's ability to equip the AA-12, whose fully automatic firing speed (3 shots per second) provides more knockback than Semi-Automatic Shotguns with higher DPS.
Reaching Level 50 opens up four slots to equip implants for the first time. Several different types of implants are available, but as with stats, it is better to focus on one or two capacities rather than three or four.
In general, we recommend first-generation implants because they are less expensive. For example, a single Violence Implant will increase DPH by twice as much as a Rage Implant, but the Violence Implant cost nearly one hundred times more. You do the math.
For this build we suggest using 1 Rage Implant and 3 Agility Implants. Agility Implants increase speed by 0.75% each. One Rage Implant enables the Doubleshot to kill Spiders with two Critical Hits and one non-critical. It still takes three shots to kill a Spider, but the odds are better that it will not take four.
Students who spend much time in Red Zones, where Red Long Arms proliferate, may prefer to use 3 Rage Implants, which will enable the Doubleshot to kill these zombies with a single critical hit. This advantage will speed up the completion of missions in Red Zones, such as "Chemical Imbalance."
Recommended Build Templates:
- Critical Build with Melee, Submachine Gun, Rifle
- Critical Build with Pistol, Submachine Gun, Grenade Launcher
- Critical Build with Melee-Chainsaw, Sub-Machine Gun
- Survival Build with Melee-Chainsaw, Shotgun, Rifle
- Assault-Hybrid Build with Pistol, Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher
- Hybrid Build with Pistols, Shotguns Grenades